Wednesday 10 March 2010

The one to watch - Inception

So, this could be one of the biggest movies of the year and nobody knows fuck-all about it. This is Christopher Nolan's follow-up movie to his monster successful flick The Dark Knight back in 2008 with a reported budget of about $200 million.

From IMDB:

In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a single idea within one's mind can be the most dangerous weapon or the most valuable asset.

Ah, glad that makes perfect sense, then! Still, Nolan hasn't made 1 bad film in his 7 movie career (Might not seem much but he has proven himself to be one of the best directors of the last decade) and this is his 1st film he has written since his debut film, Following, back in '98. Plus there's a great collection of great actor's on board for this (Leo DiCap, Micheal Caine, Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy and Tom Berenger if you any of you remember him!)

Yikes, though the trailer practically gives fuck all away in terms of plot it is looking to be quite a different film from the others in the summer. The Matrix story comparisons are been thrown around but Nolan is a better storyteller than to rehash a well-known idea like least I hope he is.

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