Monday 22 March 2010

Japanese Rice Art!

Those Japs, eh?  When they set out to do something they don't pull any punches...............well, there was Pearl Harbour and all............*cough*

Anywho, every year Japanese rice farmers plant different types of rice in a pattern to create some pretty cool art!

The Aliens are just showing off with their crop circles now!

rice-art-samurai budha-rice-art girl-rice-art boy-rice-art japanese-rice-art rice-field-close-up-3 cool-rice-art rice-field-close-up-2 rice-field-close-up rice-field-close-up-4 art-at-rice-field rice-art monk-rice-art napoleon-rice rice-art-2 mona-lisa-rise-art girl-and-boy-rice-art monkey-rice-art rice-art-field

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