Tuesday 13 April 2010

Steven Seagal is 59!

So the poor-man's Arnie/Sly/Willis/Norris turned 59 a few days ago.  You might not have heard from him in a while but he's churning out straight-to-DVD movies every year..................and yeah, every single one of them are shit! He's also got a new reality TV show where he's a cop.......yes, a cop!

This guy hasn't been in a good movie since Under Siege but has a place amongst other action stars because of his expressionless face and absolutely fuckin' remorseless ways of overkilling goons (Beating them up and then, for no reason when they're already incapacitated, killing them off in a rather unpleasant manner!)

A guy has a funny site dedicated to understanding the "concepts" to his films and pretty much nails it on the head.  Check out Seagalology

Did you know he was the 1st Westerner ever to open a Dojo in Japan (This was before he went into movies)

Here's an ode to his ass-kickery with some classic cheesy montage music:

Plus he can't run for shit:

Just as his birthday came up recently a woman is sueing him for sexual assualt.  She should be lucky he didn't rib her spine out or dropkick her ass!

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