Saturday 13 March 2010

Predators (2010) - Site Launched with sneak footage

Yep, a new Predator movie is coming out this year to help repair the name from the damage the Alien Versus Predator movies caused.............fuck, they were bad movies that managed to rape 2 legendary franchises.

Anywho, this new film is based on a script by Robert Rodriguez (Dusk Till Dawn, Desperado, Sin City) who is also on producing duties.  No details about the plot have been revealed yet but it's thought that a bunch humans were captured, brought to their planet and then set free in the wild for hunting.

Now, we've heard this shit too many times before, but they say they want to bring the Predator name back and create a seperate movie from the Arnie classic (Predator 2 was crap!) so I'm gonna hold my breath for the actual trailer which will be released on March 18th with a planned cinema release for  August 11th.

Anywho, check out the sneak footage with commentary from Robert Rodriguez on the site here
and IMDB

Background pic from the site, is that the original Predator costume, eh?

I really hope they don't fuck this one up badly!  As long as it's doesn't go near the kitten-soft friendly-ness of the 1st AVP or the................whatever the fuck they thought they were doing for the 2nd AVP I'll probably be happy!

Speaking of which, how many times have you seen a Predator do this?

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