As a toxin begins to turn the residents of Ogden Marsh, Iowa into violent psychopaths, sheriff David Dutton (Olyphant) tries to make sense of the situation while he, his wife (Mitchell), and two other unaffected townspeople band together in a fight for survival.
The Crazies is a remake of the 1973 film of the same name from zombie mogul George A. Romero and stars Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell.
The film takes off and establishes the main threat to our characters pretty quickly, no fucking around then. The townspeople in a small community begin to act in an unusual and violent manner and it's not long before sheriff David Dutton (Olyphant) realises some sort of shit is looming towards his fan.
After an early incident which leaves him unpopular within his community his pleas are left unheard as he tries to find the root of what's causing the locals to act so strangely. It turns out a virus is spreading and is causing people to become sort of like zoned-out folk with murderous tendencies (Not entirely zombies as these infected people still maintain some intelligence during most of their infection period.........they just get nasty rashes and manky veins on their faces) Sorta like a having a bad cold, then; blank-minded & waiting for an excuse to kill all around you.
If you know your horror films then this film isn't going to wow you with anything new to the table but it doesn't try to pretend to, either. Plenty of cheap (some effective) thrills and it moves fast enough for you not to lose your interest. Plenty of cliches are here but director Breck Eisner does fine in implementing most of them with a constant tone of doom and gloom. Acting is fine, too, with Olyphant slapping in another solid role.
The main problem is that, bar 2 - 3 scenes, most times you'll know what's going to happen next which in turn ruins the impending shocks, especially if you're a horror veteren! It isn't the most original film ever printed onto celluloid!
That being said, if you need some cheap scares and something that won't turn your brain into goo from thinking too much then you can do far worse than this.
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