That's right, the Motion Picture Association Of America has decided to rate the upcoming 80's action homage as R (18s on this side of the pond) Which puts us at ease now as to whether this was going to be a pansy film just to fill the seats. I'd be fairly disgusted at watching this so-called tribute to 80's action movies in the same cinema as some little 14 year old shits who grew up on a diet of Harry Potter and............uh...........whatever these meddling punks watch today.
There apparently always was a risk of this film turning out PG-13, the studio wanted it this way so they made two cuts of the film and tested them to a screen audience. Thank fuck the audience found the 18s version to be better or else there would've been a good chance of this film sinking into obscurity and be considered a disgraceful waste of action talent. Seriously, how shitty would've it been to have this cast from Stallone, Statham, Jet Li, Steve Austin, Lundgren, etc just to have it pleasant enough not to offend the kids? Anywho, if that was the case then you can probably expect CGI blood (which doesn't have the same effect as the real stuff) but that'll be tiny gripe!
Now that the dreaded rating is out of the way all that's left is to wait for it's release in August..........and ultimately if it's any good. Well, Stallone didn't disappoint with Rocky Balboa or Rambo 4 so I'm more on the side that this will be more hit than miss.
The bit I wanna see is Arnie, Stallone, & Willis meeting up in one scene, their 1st time on-screen together. This is like the time people went nuts at the sound of meeting up Pacino and DeNiro in the cafe scene in Heat back in 1995 except this for action fans.
A robot sent back in time to fight in the Burmese jungles against a German hostage taker. Makes sense!
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