This name mightn't be familiar to many people but this guy was one of the most influential people of behind the scenes in art production in movies. This guy created those creepy stop-animation creatures in those old matinee films you see now on a lazy Saturday or Sunday on TV.
You'll probably already have seen a lot, if not most of his work in movies from Clash Of The Titans, Sinbad movies, Jason & The Argonauts, etc. One of his more famous bits was the infamous skeleton fight in Jason & Argonauts, it took him and his crew everyday for 4 months just to create a 3 minute segment. Back in the day when there was no green screen or digital touch ups it made the scene more alive considering every frame and movement was physically done by a person. You appreciate the work that's gone into that rather than some cheap CGI tricks.
That and they looked creepy as fuck, just the movement of them is a bit freaky. Adds to the monster image I suppose.
Anywho, here's a compilation of all his work from the various movies he worked on:
And that skeleton fight, looks dated but think of the fuckin' work that went into it:
Tuesday 29 June 2010
Friday 25 June 2010
Football Hooligan Wind-up Call
Some evil radio pranksters ring up a Millwall supporter and claim he's on the hooligan list and is banned from travelling to South Africa.
The guy doesn't take it too well, to say the least..............heheh.
The guy doesn't take it too well, to say the least..............heheh.
Thursday 24 June 2010
Luckiest Bastards on Earth!
Here's a small compilation of truly lucky fuckers. Half of these guys should be 6 foot under now!
It seems to be a mix of stupidy and luck thrown together on some of them!
It seems to be a mix of stupidy and luck thrown together on some of them!
Those crazy japs and their adverts!
The japs have a tendency for being on a different plain of existence when it comes to entertainment (Don't get me started on their porn) and they're adverts are usually............well, fucked up!
Anywho, here's a collection of some of their more twisted ads. Seriously, they must be taking acid at the brain-storming table when coming up for ideas for ads.
I would say what they're advertising but I think it justifies how crazy they are when you haven't a clue what they're supposed to be pushing!
Heh, those crazy fucking Japs!
Anywho, here's a collection of some of their more twisted ads. Seriously, they must be taking acid at the brain-storming table when coming up for ideas for ads.
I would say what they're advertising but I think it justifies how crazy they are when you haven't a clue what they're supposed to be pushing!
Heh, those crazy fucking Japs!
Music: It's all the bloody same!!
This comedy trio point out just how similiar music is when you use the 4 chords over & over & over & over & over................& over!
The Expendables is to be rated........
That's right, the Motion Picture Association Of America has decided to rate the upcoming 80's action homage as R (18s on this side of the pond) Which puts us at ease now as to whether this was going to be a pansy film just to fill the seats. I'd be fairly disgusted at watching this so-called tribute to 80's action movies in the same cinema as some little 14 year old shits who grew up on a diet of Harry Potter and............uh...........whatever these meddling punks watch today.
There apparently always was a risk of this film turning out PG-13, the studio wanted it this way so they made two cuts of the film and tested them to a screen audience. Thank fuck the audience found the 18s version to be better or else there would've been a good chance of this film sinking into obscurity and be considered a disgraceful waste of action talent. Seriously, how shitty would've it been to have this cast from Stallone, Statham, Jet Li, Steve Austin, Lundgren, etc just to have it pleasant enough not to offend the kids? Anywho, if that was the case then you can probably expect CGI blood (which doesn't have the same effect as the real stuff) but that'll be tiny gripe!
Now that the dreaded rating is out of the way all that's left is to wait for it's release in August..........and ultimately if it's any good. Well, Stallone didn't disappoint with Rocky Balboa or Rambo 4 so I'm more on the side that this will be more hit than miss.
The bit I wanna see is Arnie, Stallone, & Willis meeting up in one scene, their 1st time on-screen together. This is like the time people went nuts at the sound of meeting up Pacino and DeNiro in the cafe scene in Heat back in 1995 except this for action fans.
A robot sent back in time to fight in the Burmese jungles against a German hostage taker. Makes sense!
Predators Trailer #2 is Online!
So, it's almost time for Predators to come out and yesterday the international movie trailer was released. Talk about spoilers, they end up showing a bit too much in terms of deaths!
Either way if you don't want that to bother you then go ahead and watch it. It's looking good and, well shit, it can't be as crap as Predator 2 was!
Though this film is slated for an 8th July release we won't see it across the pond until 13th August (Which is a Friday, lucky lucky!!)
Either way if you don't want that to bother you then go ahead and watch it. It's looking good and, well shit, it can't be as crap as Predator 2 was!
Though this film is slated for an 8th July release we won't see it across the pond until 13th August (Which is a Friday, lucky lucky!!)
Wednesday 23 June 2010
Transformer Owl!
This odd owl is able to change it's appearance in 3 different ways when faced with other owls.
Looks really fuckin' evil in his last transformation!
Looks really fuckin' evil in his last transformation!
Saturday 19 June 2010
A small story from the Spanish Arch in pictures!
I dunno bout you, but the 1st picture doesn't make a lick of goddamn sense!

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Wednesday 16 June 2010
HUGE gallery from the Predators movie!
Head on over to this Russian site that has a shit-load of pics from the upcoming Predators movie.
The Preds themselves are looking good and don't look like the medieval monstrosities that were in the AVP movies. Plus there's some new looking ones here, too!
This film is out on July 6 in the US
The Preds themselves are looking good and don't look like the medieval monstrosities that were in the AVP movies. Plus there's some new looking ones here, too!
This film is out on July 6 in the US
Tuesday 15 June 2010
What not to do when being breathalyzed!
Well, I don't think the fuzz really need the device to see how hammered this guy was!
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Thursday 10 June 2010
Lego Sniper Rifle?
This guy is someone who's either:
A) Had an odd childhood
B) Has too much time on his hands
C) A disgruntled guy waiting to go Postal
D) A genius
A) Had an odd childhood
B) Has too much time on his hands
C) A disgruntled guy waiting to go Postal
D) A genius
Idiots + Bike lock + Angle grinder = ???
So this guy has a bike lock around his neck after a house party. What's the most logical solution to getting it off?
That's a-right!
That's a-right!
I'm reading: Idiots + Bike lock + Angle grinder = ???Tweet this!
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The Known Universe by AMNH
If this don't make you feel like an insignificant little spec of shìt in the universe then I dunno what will!
Amazing and unusual places in Google Earth!
Here's a nearly 10-minute clip focusing on all those odd and amazing places you can find on Google Earth.
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Fucking guide to Metal!
Some easy fuckin' tips are all you need to fuckin' know about fuckin' heavy metal!!
Joseph Gordan-Levitt for Batman 3 villian?
So, apparantley this morning news got around that Christopher Nolan has recommended Joseph Gordan-Levitt for the role of......................
The Riddler
This is after working with him on his soon-to-be-released epic, Inception. Many people were hoping that this guy would be cast as The Joker given how much he looked like Heath Ledger:
But, that could never really happen as role of The Joker is tainted and anybody who would take it up would just be compared to Ledger which in turn would detract from the movie itself. Nolan hiimself has confirmed that The Joker won't be back for Batman 3, as shite as that sounds it's the only logical way he could go.
Anywho, nothing is concrete on this news but many people have believed for months that The Riddler would appear in this movie considering how big of a villian he is..........heheh, and fùckin' Johnny Depp as The Riddler, that was never going to happen.
The Riddler
This is after working with him on his soon-to-be-released epic, Inception. Many people were hoping that this guy would be cast as The Joker given how much he looked like Heath Ledger:
But, that could never really happen as role of The Joker is tainted and anybody who would take it up would just be compared to Ledger which in turn would detract from the movie itself. Nolan hiimself has confirmed that The Joker won't be back for Batman 3, as shite as that sounds it's the only logical way he could go.
Anywho, nothing is concrete on this news but many people have believed for months that The Riddler would appear in this movie considering how big of a villian he is..........heheh, and fùckin' Johnny Depp as The Riddler, that was never going to happen.
I'm reading: Joseph Gordan-Levitt for Batman 3 villian?Tweet this!
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Saturday 5 June 2010
Friday 4 June 2010
Who remembers this old advert?
Recently I posted this about old Irish adverts. At the time this wasn't around on the web (copyright reason I imagine) but recently it just came up and I thought I'd slap it here.
Ah, the memories!!
Ah, the memories!!
Thursday 3 June 2010
Give That Football Player An Oscar!
So, the World Cup is drawing closer which means cheating bastards on an international level will be ham-acting against each other to claw their way to the top.
Here's a wee compilation of a bunch of sly fuckers over-dramatising their tackles. Loved to see how'd they would react with a cracker of a belt to the jaw.
And Thierry Henry is still a cunt.
Here's a wee compilation of a bunch of sly fuckers over-dramatising their tackles. Loved to see how'd they would react with a cracker of a belt to the jaw.
And Thierry Henry is still a cunt.
Tuesday 1 June 2010
Eat Da POO POO!!!
A Ugandan hate speech against homosexuality that feels more like a sketch from Brass Eye than reality.
They Do Eat Da Poo Poo!!
They Do Eat Da Poo Poo!!
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