Thursday 8 April 2010

100 Years Of Special Effects In Movies

100 years, eh?  Feels like yesterday when Jurassic Park came out and changed the whole game when it came to CGI.............then Independance Day................then The Matrix where action movies afterwards just tried to copy it and most of them were shit...................then Transformers 2 came along and we realised we're pretty bored of seeing this crap...............and then Avatar came out and got us interested again (Except for the muck storyline) we got 3D trying to be shoved into our faces.

It's odd to see some practical effects composited over each other in the older films where nowadys everything is CGI-ed to the balls, that shit just doesn't have the same charm!  Sure, they look shitty nowadays but a lot more work went into creating them rather than a few geeks doing some animations on their computers and at least they still have that "Saturday / Sunday Matinee" feel to them.

Anywho, check this out:

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