MTV recently (well, yesterday) got chatting to Ridley Scott as he went about doing the rounds of promoting the new Robin Hood flick. The managed to snag some revealing news about where Scott is going taking the franchise.
Click Read More below to see the interview, some interesting bits in there!
Friday 23 April 2010
Thursday 22 April 2010
Help, Police!!.........That octopus stole my fuckin' camera!!
Guy swimming in New Zealand has his camera nicked from a scumbag octopus. He gves chase to get it back and the whole thing was recorded on his sparkly new camera.
Blues Brothers do a drive-thru!
Traffic's heavy? Fuck it, cut through the building...
The guy pleading guilty, no contest and bagged himself a nice 10 years in jail!
The guy pleading guilty, no contest and bagged himself a nice 10 years in jail!
Wednesday 21 April 2010
The Drinking Video Game
Great way to practice your drunk talk if it had come out for the Nintendo back in the day!
Sunday 18 April 2010
Superman II different version
Now this is a bit old hat but many people still have no idea of this.
Richard Donner, the original director of Superman 1 actually shot Superman 2 at the same time. He actually shot enough footage for an entire film but due to differences with the studio Donner was told to fuck off and another director, Richard Lester, was brought in. He had to scrap half of the completed footage in order to be credited as the movie's director hence that is the version that we've all seen, not Donner's original.
Anywho, not too long ago people on the webs started to vouch for Donner's footage and with enough pressure the studio allowed Donner to get his footage back and piece his movie together at last with a DVD release back in 2006.
Obviously, there's plenty of odd special effects, continuity errors, and other problems with the film as the editors had to make do with whatever footage they had 25 years later.
Anywho, it's more of an interesting look at what Donner's original plan for Superman II was rather than a seperate film. But, if you were to put the 2 films side by side you would notice some massive differences. So, enough with the shitty talk and roll on with the documentary on the cut:
Richard Donner, the original director of Superman 1 actually shot Superman 2 at the same time. He actually shot enough footage for an entire film but due to differences with the studio Donner was told to fuck off and another director, Richard Lester, was brought in. He had to scrap half of the completed footage in order to be credited as the movie's director hence that is the version that we've all seen, not Donner's original.
Anywho, not too long ago people on the webs started to vouch for Donner's footage and with enough pressure the studio allowed Donner to get his footage back and piece his movie together at last with a DVD release back in 2006.
Obviously, there's plenty of odd special effects, continuity errors, and other problems with the film as the editors had to make do with whatever footage they had 25 years later.
Anywho, it's more of an interesting look at what Donner's original plan for Superman II was rather than a seperate film. But, if you were to put the 2 films side by side you would notice some massive differences. So, enough with the shitty talk and roll on with the documentary on the cut:
Alternate Endings
Here we have a wee compilation of alternate endings of some famous movies. Some of which would have drastically changed the outcome of following sequels / franchise.
Obvviously you'd be a bit of an idiot if you watched these without having seen the actual movies but the ones I chose are pretty shame on you if you haven't seen them, I guess.
1st up is the alternate ending to Rambo: First Blood. This ending was actually in line with what happened in the book though thinking that Rambo wouldn't continue gunning down hordes of commies in a further 3 sequels (a 4th is due next year) is horrifying!!
Probably the only time you're ever going to see a shot dead Rambo.
Heh, speaking of which this is probably what Rambo should've done in First Blood Part II when he was abandoned in Vietnam:
Click below to see more alternate endings
Obvviously you'd be a bit of an idiot if you watched these without having seen the actual movies but the ones I chose are pretty shame on you if you haven't seen them, I guess.
1st up is the alternate ending to Rambo: First Blood. This ending was actually in line with what happened in the book though thinking that Rambo wouldn't continue gunning down hordes of commies in a further 3 sequels (a 4th is due next year) is horrifying!!
Probably the only time you're ever going to see a shot dead Rambo.
Heh, speaking of which this is probably what Rambo should've done in First Blood Part II when he was abandoned in Vietnam:
Click below to see more alternate endings
Tuesday 13 April 2010
The Toshiba Space Chair Project
Here's a cool little advertisment campaign Toshiba are running for their LCD TVs where they sent your average armchair up into the atmosphere.
It got up to 98,000 feet and took 83 minutes before the helium ballon eventually popped and the chair fell back down in pieces.
Looks good, but if you were sitting in that chair you'd be returning to earth as a popsicle.
It got up to 98,000 feet and took 83 minutes before the helium ballon eventually popped and the chair fell back down in pieces.
Looks good, but if you were sitting in that chair you'd be returning to earth as a popsicle.
How to fuck up your caravan!
A stuck caravan that just won't budge.............floor it and see what happens, then.
At least he has a trailer now.
At least he has a trailer now.
Ever wanted to do this with a bus?
This is like something you'd see on GTA.
Dunno what the fuck happened to the driver on this, just had one of days where he needed to let off some steam, probably!
Dunno what the fuck happened to the driver on this, just had one of days where he needed to let off some steam, probably!
Philips Carousel - The Gift
Here's a short movie that was made as part of a competition to show off Philips Cinema widescreen TV (Hence the movie is half the size to show the scale of the TV).
I mentioned this TV in one of my 1st posts
I mentioned this TV in one of my 1st posts
Steven Seagal is 59!
So the poor-man's Arnie/Sly/Willis/Norris turned 59 a few days ago. You might not have heard from him in a while but he's churning out straight-to-DVD movies every year..................and yeah, every single one of them are shit! He's also got a new reality TV show where he's a cop.......yes, a cop!
This guy hasn't been in a good movie since Under Siege but has a place amongst other action stars because of his expressionless face and absolutely fuckin' remorseless ways of overkilling goons (Beating them up and then, for no reason when they're already incapacitated, killing them off in a rather unpleasant manner!)
A guy has a funny site dedicated to understanding the "concepts" to his films and pretty much nails it on the head. Check out Seagalology
Did you know he was the 1st Westerner ever to open a Dojo in Japan (This was before he went into movies)
Here's an ode to his ass-kickery with some classic cheesy montage music:
Plus he can't run for shit:
Just as his birthday came up recently a woman is sueing him for sexual assualt. She should be lucky he didn't rib her spine out or dropkick her ass!
This guy hasn't been in a good movie since Under Siege but has a place amongst other action stars because of his expressionless face and absolutely fuckin' remorseless ways of overkilling goons (Beating them up and then, for no reason when they're already incapacitated, killing them off in a rather unpleasant manner!)
A guy has a funny site dedicated to understanding the "concepts" to his films and pretty much nails it on the head. Check out Seagalology
Did you know he was the 1st Westerner ever to open a Dojo in Japan (This was before he went into movies)
Here's an ode to his ass-kickery with some classic cheesy montage music:
Plus he can't run for shit:
Just as his birthday came up recently a woman is sueing him for sexual assualt. She should be lucky he didn't rib her spine out or dropkick her ass!
Worlds First Gaming Console Commerical
1973........that's almost 40 years ago since the world's 1st console was released.
Revel in the unbelievable hi-tech graphics and the same processing power as a calculator you'd buy in the pound shop today! Move that 1 white square over to that other white dot.................incredible!
Those colour "graphics" you see obviously didn't come from the console itself but were transparent sheets you had to tape onto the TV screen.
I actually have some little old machine an uncle gave us back when it came out where you could play Tennis, hockey, football...............which were all essentially Pong with an extra paddle thrown in. Fùckin' hard game, though!
Revel in the unbelievable hi-tech graphics and the same processing power as a calculator you'd buy in the pound shop today! Move that 1 white square over to that other white dot.................incredible!
Those colour "graphics" you see obviously didn't come from the console itself but were transparent sheets you had to tape onto the TV screen.
I actually have some little old machine an uncle gave us back when it came out where you could play Tennis, hockey, football...............which were all essentially Pong with an extra paddle thrown in. Fùckin' hard game, though!
Thursday 8 April 2010
Wanna buy a Back To The Future Delorean?
Then you better cough up $89,000, then!
The creator, Gary Weaver, claims on his Ebay page that it was the most accurate build to the film's model.
You can check out the Ebay page HERE. Click on Read More down below to check out the images of the pretty much spot-on vehicle!
Go to 0AD? See some dinosaurs? Kill Hitler? Nah, I'll just get the lotto no.'s & live like a fucking king!
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100 Years Of Special Effects In Movies
100 years, eh? Feels like yesterday when Jurassic Park came out and changed the whole game when it came to CGI.............then Independance Day................then The Matrix where action movies afterwards just tried to copy it and most of them were shit...................then Transformers 2 came along and we realised we're pretty bored of seeing this crap...............and then Avatar came out and got us interested again (Except for the muck storyline) we got 3D trying to be shoved into our faces.
It's odd to see some practical effects composited over each other in the older films where nowadys everything is CGI-ed to the balls, that shit just doesn't have the same charm! Sure, they look shitty nowadays but a lot more work went into creating them rather than a few geeks doing some animations on their computers and at least they still have that "Saturday / Sunday Matinee" feel to them.
Anywho, check this out:
It's odd to see some practical effects composited over each other in the older films where nowadys everything is CGI-ed to the balls, that shit just doesn't have the same charm! Sure, they look shitty nowadays but a lot more work went into creating them rather than a few geeks doing some animations on their computers and at least they still have that "Saturday / Sunday Matinee" feel to them.
Anywho, check this out:
Russian Guy Builds His Own Hummer!
So one Russian guy couldn't have been arsed buying a Hummer or even buying a decent 4x4, so he went and built one for himself!
Apparently, converting vehicles from one model into another is fairly common over in vodka-land. Have to say he didn't do a bad job and the thing is practically indestrucible (Drives underwater, through fire, all sorts of terrain!):
Putting vodka in the radiator instead of water wasn't one of Vladimir's brightest ideas!

Apparently, converting vehicles from one model into another is fairly common over in vodka-land. Have to say he didn't do a bad job and the thing is practically indestrucible (Drives underwater, through fire, all sorts of terrain!):
“I have only one oxygen mask that can be used while you are driving by the bottom of the lake/river. Once we were crossing some lake and the car got stuck in the bottom mud. My passenger didn’t have a mask so he had to swim out to the surface to get some air and get back down to me to help releasing it.”, says the owner.
Putting vodka in the radiator instead of water wasn't one of Vladimir's brightest ideas!
Fucked Up Animals
Here's a bunch of more odder animals out there. Most of them are fairly harmless.......I think, I'm sure one or 2 of them would love to crawl inside you and eat you from the inside out.
It's a bit boring living in Ireland with our "bizzare" animals like rabbits and badgers but, hey, at least we're not like Austrailia where spiders the size of your head crawl into your shoes before you put them on!
"So the doctor let me keep it after he removed the hungry thing from my brain..."
Top 10 Mafias Around The World
Mafias, eh? It's not all hotdog with DeNiro or Joe Pesci running the rounds!
Here's a small article focusing on the 10 biggest mafia bastards around the world ranging from usual hooliganism right up to organ trading...........well, they do say shop around, right?
1 of the big wigs of the Gambino family arrested back in 2008.....I bet he likes his Gobbagool!
Here's a small article focusing on the 10 biggest mafia bastards around the world ranging from usual hooliganism right up to organ trading...........well, they do say shop around, right?
1 of the big wigs of the Gambino family arrested back in 2008.....I bet he likes his Gobbagool!
Thursday 1 April 2010
Who's for a machine rasher gun sandwich?
You know the feeling, you're stuck out in the middle of nowhere during warfare, there isn't a grill for miles and for some reason you have rashers. Surely you can't gun down all those commies on an empty stomach!?!
What to do, what to do!
Click Read More on how to solve this dilema through the simple method of multi-tasking!
Alls I needs now is some tomater sauce, ahuh huh huh!

What to do, what to do!
Click Read More on how to solve this dilema through the simple method of multi-tasking!
Alls I needs now is some tomater sauce, ahuh huh huh!
I'm reading: Who's for a machine rasher gun sandwich?Tweet this!
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Ghetto Windshield Wiper!
Got a busted windshield wiper? Then as long you have a buddy in the car problem solved!
Best Worst Movie!
A new documentary that swept up in the festival circuit is about the oddest subject, the worst movie ever?
It based on a wee film called Trolls 2 that came out back in 1992 and is considering by many to be the best in "so bad it's good" category.
The popularity of this film could be down to the internet where without it the film (and many others like the ones I've posted on this site) would've vanished into obscurity. Many clips from the movie became internet jokes and were frequently included in "The Worst..." type compilations. I'm amazed though at some of the people (freaks?) who reguraly watch the film in groups.......really?
Click HERE to see RottenTomatoes score for the movie............heh heh!
Here's 2 clips from the movie:
Oh my Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!
I'll probably give this a shout myself as the last good documentary based on a bizzare subject I saw was The King Of Kong where a Science teacher went to set the all-time record on Donkey Kong. Little did he know the amount of geeks and the record-holder were plotting against him in some odd ways!
It based on a wee film called Trolls 2 that came out back in 1992 and is considering by many to be the best in "so bad it's good" category.
The popularity of this film could be down to the internet where without it the film (and many others like the ones I've posted on this site) would've vanished into obscurity. Many clips from the movie became internet jokes and were frequently included in "The Worst..." type compilations. I'm amazed though at some of the people (freaks?) who reguraly watch the film in groups.......really?
Click HERE to see RottenTomatoes score for the movie............heh heh!
Here's 2 clips from the movie:
Oh my Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!
I'll probably give this a shout myself as the last good documentary based on a bizzare subject I saw was The King Of Kong where a Science teacher went to set the all-time record on Donkey Kong. Little did he know the amount of geeks and the record-holder were plotting against him in some odd ways!
New A-Team Trailer!
The 2nd trailer has arrived and it's looking much better than the 1st one. Still looks absolutely ridiculous, though!
Along with the new trailer a new poster was released, too. Looks like a Blur album cover or something.
Along with the new trailer a new poster was released, too. Looks like a Blur album cover or something.
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