Sunday 30 May 2010

Dennis Hopper: The Legend

So another legend has moved on, leaving behind a legacy and an immortal footprint in cinematic history.  Hopper passed away at 74 after a long battle with cancer.  Luckily, though, he was able to recently see his star be finally put on the Walk Of Fame.  Plus the shenanagins he got up to while filming Easy Rider are legendary!

From Easy Rider to Apocalypse Now! to Blue Velvet to True Romance to Speed.................this guy had an incredible list of movies under his belt.  A lot of them were shoddy pieces of crap but the ones that hit right are now known as cinematic classics.

Anyways here's a long but worthy appreciation of Hopper and his career:

Edit: Stupid me, I forgot to add this great scene from True Romance where Hopper And Walken go against each other, brilliant.

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