Now, this isn't another one of those McDonalds' bashing articles, condeming them for everything that's wrong with the world. Fat fuckers just don't know when to say no to a sweaty burger.
Anywho, this is just more of an insight of how some of the stuff is made in a store, namely a Russian one. Same principles in terms of McDonalds' products bar the fact that the ingredients would obviously be coming from different suppliers. But, it's interesting to see the process to making that dirty-looking Big Mac you've been eyeing up.
"Ere', gizza Snack Box, a tub of curry and a bottle a Leeeuuuu-cozade, please bud!"
Ah, the 90's. You'd come home from school, slap on The Den to see if Ray would get jumped by Ted the Bear and another episode of Captain Planet............or Biker Mice From Mars............or Keenan & Kel...............memories *sniff*
The Walking Dead is to be the 1st tv show about a zombie apocalypse and it's looking to be quite big considering the talent that's pushing it. It's based on a popular (and hugely violent) comic and it's direct by Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile). Gale Anne Hurd, producer of the Terminator films and Aliens is also producing this. So, it's safe to say the production quality of this will be fairly high.
It premieres on AMC (Same channel that brought Breaking Bad) on Halloween night (October 31st for any idtiots out there).
This, along with Boardwalk Empire and season 5 of Dexter, kicking off should provide some decent telly for at least a while.
Anywho, here's the official trailer. (ComicCon one has been out for ages but it was a shitty camera quality one)
For anyone thinking "28 Days Later" clone the similarities ends after the main character leaves the hospital.
This story only came into my head recently about American, Paul Karason, who's skin turned blue after he ingested large amounts of colloidal silver, a new-age hippy product in a magazine that was supposed to help with his arthritis.
Karason sent away for a kit for making colloidal silver -- a home brew of microscopic silver particles suspended in water. For a while, he was drinking at least 10 ounces a day as a cure for arthritis. "I had arthritis in my shoulders so bad I couldn't pull a T-shirt off. And the next thing I knew, it was just gone." he explained the media, but these claims have no basis in science and after a couple of months, his whole skin turned blue. "I kind of hoped it would fade off!" But it didn't fade off. Argyria is permanent.
Is the boss / GF ringing you up? You're already half-cut while singing to Queen on the Jukebox?
Well then, Andes have come up with this excellent invention: A sound-proof booth that has a huge list of ambients noises to fool the other person down the line!
Here's what you get when you employ someone on the cheap / stupid / drunk / or just a plain asshole. Some of these will make you wonder what the builders were thinking as they were building some of these!
So, Mike Tyson has had a strange career. He came from nothing in life to becoming one of the most famous sportsmen in the world to then a disgrace at the chew of an ear!.............there's also that little thing to do with rape as well.
Anywho, here's a collection of quotes that man seems to have unwittedly let out, some of them don't even make any sense!
So, I've never been on one of those slingshot rides at an amusements before. One thing is for sure is that you wouldn't expect something like this to happen.
This woman seemed to have enjoyed the ride a bit TOO much.
I completely forgot they were even making this film.
So MTV managed to coax the boys to churn out another movie, this time in glorious 3D. The difference here apparently that hey used the same technology as Avatar so the 3D effects should, technically, be good.
It looks loud, dumb and silly.................which is why I'll probably still watch it anyways.
Here's another monthly rundown of bad shit happening to people in the last month. Again, some are funny, others are downright fuckin' painful! Plenty of faceplant from guys pricking about on their bikes!
Ken Block is a pretty nifty rally driver, he set the record for longest jump in a car back in December and here here's doing some sort of product placement thing.
Thing is though, it's extremely well done. So, turn up your speakers / headphones and enjoy the ride!
So some bunch of Kerry lads decided to play a prank on the street of Galway by sticking a €5 note (or something) on the ground to see who would pick it up. Anyone who attempted then had the crowd around them cheering, which then resulted the poor feckers disappearing into the crowd embarrased.
Is your toilet looking pedestrian? Everytime you go to deposit something you'd wish it was a bit more interesting? Well then, do what these guys did............grab some glow sticks, cut 'em up and pour them into the top of the toilet to send your brown sausages down a colourful stream.