Even though a vital actor, Dennis Hopper, passed away recently it good to know that at least probably the biggest cinematic legend is still alive and kicking. Ol' grizzled eyes himself turns 80 today and strangely is still shoveling out movies of such high quality. He's realeased some of the best films of the last decade (Mystic River, Flags Of Our Fathers, Letters From Iwo Jima, Million Dollar Baby, etc) and he's got 2 more lined up, 1 of which is based on J. Edgar Hoover (Leo Dicap is rumoured to play him)
This guy has a sickenly high-value CV under his belt. It's hard to imagine if anyone will ever match the quality of films he's directed and starred in, in this day and age of CGI galore shit-fest I doubt it won't be any time soon.
Plus he is essentially the blueprint to all hard-asses and action heros in cinema since the Spaghetti Westerns redifined cinema. Back in the day when westerns were becoming stale and full of fluff, he & Sergio Leone came along and basically did a Bourne Identity to cinema by making them more grittier. Even his last goodbye to western, Unforgiven back in 1992, is considered one of his best films.
Dirty Harry redifined it again with a lead guy who didn't like anybody and did anything to get the job done. He's a huge influence on pop-culture from his immortal one-liners ("D'ya feel lucky, punk?......well, do ya!?!") to a name that's pretty much known by everyone, even those who might never have watched one of his films.
He was always the type of guy who could probably strike a match off the palm of his hand while giving you that thousand-yard stare.
So, here's a tribute video to the living legend himself:
Monday 31 May 2010
Sunday 30 May 2010
Dennis Hopper: The Legend
So another legend has moved on, leaving behind a legacy and an immortal footprint in cinematic history. Hopper passed away at 74 after a long battle with cancer. Luckily, though, he was able to recently see his star be finally put on the Walk Of Fame. Plus the shenanagins he got up to while filming Easy Rider are legendary!
From Easy Rider to Apocalypse Now! to Blue Velvet to True Romance to Speed.................this guy had an incredible list of movies under his belt. A lot of them were shoddy pieces of crap but the ones that hit right are now known as cinematic classics.
Anyways here's a long but worthy appreciation of Hopper and his career:
Edit: Stupid me, I forgot to add this great scene from True Romance where Hopper And Walken go against each other, brilliant.
From Easy Rider to Apocalypse Now! to Blue Velvet to True Romance to Speed.................this guy had an incredible list of movies under his belt. A lot of them were shoddy pieces of crap but the ones that hit right are now known as cinematic classics.
Anyways here's a long but worthy appreciation of Hopper and his career:
Edit: Stupid me, I forgot to add this great scene from True Romance where Hopper And Walken go against each other, brilliant.
Thursday 27 May 2010
Some more Expendables goodies!
Goddamit, this movie couldn't come and quicker!!
Here's a big-ass poster with a bunch of hard fuckers (Willis looking well over-airbrushed)
and the 1st TV Spot!
Here's a big-ass poster with a bunch of hard fuckers (Willis looking well over-airbrushed)
and the 1st TV Spot!
Wednesday 26 May 2010
You cross stweet? You die naw!!
Here's a compilation of some really crappy motoring skills over in China. Bloody hell, some these look like they were done on purpose!
Monday 24 May 2010
How to speak Norn Iron!
Heading up North? Can't understand the lingo? Then take this quick lesson and you'll be a pro in no time!
Devil May Cry Live Action
Now, I've never played any of the games from this series but I do know they're fairly popular.
Anways, here's a bunch of the game's developers killing time by re-enacting bits from the games. The main guy here is the motion-capture actor for the game's protagonist...............looks like fun. If I had a job, I'd hate it compared to these bastards.
Anways, here's a bunch of the game's developers killing time by re-enacting bits from the games. The main guy here is the motion-capture actor for the game's protagonist...............looks like fun. If I had a job, I'd hate it compared to these bastards.
MacGyver is coming the big screen!
That's right, the DIY master himself is coming to big screen, presumably since interest has risen again thanks to the new release of the piss-take movie MacGruber (Which has bombed in the U.S box office, funnily enough!)
The shows creator has been pushing for a green light on a movie version of his show for years & years and finally he got his wish. The guy scripting it, Jason Richman, has credits for the Nic Cage remake Bangkok Dangerous and Chris Rock / Anthony Hopkins Bad Company as well as an uncredited piece for Black Hawk Down...............hmmm, I suppose they could've picked a far worse guy to do the script.
But that's as far as the project is at the moment, no word on whether they'll have the original MacGyver, Richard Dean Anderson, back. They should considering he's only 59 and............well..............he is MacGyver, nuff said!! But, we know what the Hollywood types are like and will probably cast some flavour of the month to play MacGyver's son or some crap leaving the original man to a mere cameo. If they don't allow RDA to play him again then it won't have much of a chance in the box office, nobody wants that cheesy mullet-man memory ruined.
Anywho, for old-time's sake
Ever wonder where he kept getting all those rubber bands and paper clips from?
The shows creator has been pushing for a green light on a movie version of his show for years & years and finally he got his wish. The guy scripting it, Jason Richman, has credits for the Nic Cage remake Bangkok Dangerous and Chris Rock / Anthony Hopkins Bad Company as well as an uncredited piece for Black Hawk Down...............hmmm, I suppose they could've picked a far worse guy to do the script.
But that's as far as the project is at the moment, no word on whether they'll have the original MacGyver, Richard Dean Anderson, back. They should considering he's only 59 and............well..............he is MacGyver, nuff said!! But, we know what the Hollywood types are like and will probably cast some flavour of the month to play MacGyver's son or some crap leaving the original man to a mere cameo. If they don't allow RDA to play him again then it won't have much of a chance in the box office, nobody wants that cheesy mullet-man memory ruined.
Anywho, for old-time's sake
Ever wonder where he kept getting all those rubber bands and paper clips from?
Old TV Adverts
How many of these old classics can ya remember? Ah..........memories, they don't make 'em like they used to, eh?
Tuesday 18 May 2010
What the girls are really saying on those Babestation channels
Sheephead from Soccer A.M. makes some interesting phone calls to those late night Chatline thingys!
Super Sloooooooooooow Mo'
Slow motion makes everything look cool, right? Right down to even washing a cup would be more dramatic if it was shown in slow-mo.
Here's some collections of explosions and bullets caught in super-duper slow-mo, right down to the point where you can see the sonic boom being created from the explosions. Micheal Bay would jizz in his pants at these.
Car bomb!
Grenade explosion - I wonder how many of ye knew grenades did this?
Super slow-mo compilation of random things, WMG removed the audio from this cuz of their egg-shell sensitive copyright laws so I recommend you slap on a good 6 minute long theune!
And the best is saved for last, check out this vid of bullets impacting steel at an insanely slow frame-rate. Sorta freaky seeing the damage a round does so clearly!
Here's some collections of explosions and bullets caught in super-duper slow-mo, right down to the point where you can see the sonic boom being created from the explosions. Micheal Bay would jizz in his pants at these.
Car bomb!
Grenade explosion - I wonder how many of ye knew grenades did this?
Super slow-mo compilation of random things, WMG removed the audio from this cuz of their egg-shell sensitive copyright laws so I recommend you slap on a good 6 minute long theune!
And the best is saved for last, check out this vid of bullets impacting steel at an insanely slow frame-rate. Sorta freaky seeing the damage a round does so clearly!
150 Rally Car Crash Compilation!
150 rally crashes in 10 minutes, that's about a crash every 4 seconds, right?
Some are mild, some are heavy and some are really fucking close to the cameraman and spectators, enjoy!
Some are mild, some are heavy and some are really fucking close to the cameraman and spectators, enjoy!
Monday 17 May 2010
I don't understand how it failed the NCT!?!
Some crazy Russians (Who the fuck else?) spending some time with half a Golf.
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Awesomely Awful Tractor Fight
If you ever get into a fight with some farmers be sure to take some tips from our Bollywood friends:
Listen for the dog-barking sounds whenever the slow-mo kicks in.
Listen for the dog-barking sounds whenever the slow-mo kicks in.
Seriously detailed sculptures!
Mark Newman, a guy with serious-ass talents creates highly detailed sculptures ranging from the surreal right up to charactures.
Christ, I'd hate to imagine the amount of time he spends on the bigger ones. The last one is my favourite, would be cool to have a tall model of that in the corner of a room.
Here's hisWEBSHITE
That wheelbarrow really brings out the curtains in here!!
Here's another sculptor by the name of Hans van Bentem. He creates all sorts of chandeliers for certain types of Museums............bizzare ones, I'm guessing! Still there are some that would I wouldn't mind putting in my mansion.............or cardboard box
It really screams out the quaint struggle of the common man against the corporate machine *cough*

It really screams out the quaint struggle of the common man against the corporate machine *cough*
Shit, it's the fashion police........and they're packing fashionable heat, too!
Artist Peter Gronquist has decided to design some weaponry and adding commercial labels to them with satire intentions.
As he puts it, people will put a label on absolutely anything to make it look and feel like the shit, and that you gotta have it!!
Anywho, some of these are pretty cool looking. The Chanel RPG does look pretty damn fashionable.
The crime? That hideous cardigan on you..........the penalty?...........Death!!

As he puts it, people will put a label on absolutely anything to make it look and feel like the shit, and that you gotta have it!!
Anywho, some of these are pretty cool looking. The Chanel RPG does look pretty damn fashionable.
Saturday 15 May 2010
Fuck!! Look behind you!!
Cameraman misses train flying by him by mere inches!! I bet he needed a new pair of pants, then.
Well, the front fell off!!
This is of an old Aussie interview about a capsized oil tanker that just descends into pretty much a sketch right out of the Monty Python warehouse.
Monday 10 May 2010
Malfunction Dog
I hope this guy either kept the receipt or it's still in warranty. That dog ain't right!
And, of course, somebody already edited the video to some Jazz.........grrrrrreat!
And, of course, somebody already edited the video to some Jazz.........grrrrrreat!
We're living in a minature world!
Thanks to some odd camera techniques (tilting a camera lens in regards to a sensor) a cool effect with a depth of field is created. Sorta creates a flat look to the image.
This video is of Manhatten but thanks to this technique you'd think you're looking at a minature model animated in stop-motion when in fact it's all real!
This video is of Manhatten but thanks to this technique you'd think you're looking at a minature model animated in stop-motion when in fact it's all real!
Shameful Celebrity Japanese Adverts!
So some US actors need some (or more) money and shamefully filmed some absolutley bizzare ads for Japanese products. Little did they know at the time that once YouTube came around their shame was shown before the whole world.
And, no, I have absolutely no idea what they're selling!
Click Read More to see and lose your respect for these people!
And, no, I have absolutely no idea what they're selling!
Click Read More to see and lose your respect for these people!
How Japs learn their Engrish!
Oooooook, there's clearly a few things wrong with this video but since it's the Japanese I'll let it slide on the odd factor.
Mow that lawn, boy!
Grass looking a bit long? Couldn't be arsed doing it but you know it has be done?
Well, then, try this.............eh............super hi-tech method of automated mowing!
Well, then, try this.............eh............super hi-tech method of automated mowing!
Day To Day Life Of An Orangutan
Dammit, I if only monkeys were part of the social life like this.............and weren't prone to tearing your face off....................and I had one.
Saturday 8 May 2010
Inception Trailer 3 Online!
Finally, a new trailer for Incepetion that explains what it's all about!
This trailer looks brilliant and, along with The Expendables, is definitely the film I want to watch the most this year. Just gotta wait 2 fuckin' months!
Chris Nolan hasn't made 1 bad yet and somehow I don't think he's gonna be breaking the tradition with this film, anyways!
EDIT: Finally, here's a HD version much clearer.
This trailer looks brilliant and, along with The Expendables, is definitely the film I want to watch the most this year. Just gotta wait 2 fuckin' months!
Chris Nolan hasn't made 1 bad yet and somehow I don't think he's gonna be breaking the tradition with this film, anyways!
EDIT: Finally, here's a HD version much clearer.
Tuesday 4 May 2010
Kevin Smith talks about aborted 90's Superman Flick
This is long but definitely a funny and interesting story about what happened with the aborted Superman Reborn film that was supposed to be made back in the late 90's. He was asked to write the script but eventually Tim Burton took over (with Nic Cage to be Superman......*shudder*).
The whole film was scrapped but this story of Smith having talks with a fucked-up producer is good, especially the end of the story:
The whole film was scrapped but this story of Smith having talks with a fucked-up producer is good, especially the end of the story:
Snatch Wars!
It's an oldie but a goodie, Darth Vadar from Star Wars is dubbed over with Brick-Top from Snatch.
Slap on dee ket-el ', 'Arry!
Slap on dee ket-el ', 'Arry!
Camera shutter synced with helichopter!
The shutter speed of a camera is synced in time with the propeller of a helicopter to create this. Kinda looks like a half broken toy:
I'm reading: Camera shutter synced with helichopter!Tweet this!
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No Ice-Cream for you!
Some poor Japanese fella is being made a mockery out of by a rather talented Ice-cream vendor.
Batman 3 Release Date Has Been Set
Set your calenders cuz Warner Bros. have set the date for when the next Batman film is gonna be released!
July 20th 2012 (I know, 2 fuckin' years!!)
Ah, so at least we get to see it before the entire world supposedly crumbles to dust that year.
Now, that's the only bit of info about the film that's out. No word on who the villian will be so don't mind all those rumours of Johnny Depp and shite. The Riddler is a possibility but nobody has confirmed what villian will be in it and the only thing we do know is that Christopher Nolan, the director, has stated that he wants to film it completely with IMAX cameras.
Since we're Irish and only have 2 IMAX cinema (1 in Belfast and 1 in Dublin) not many people know what the whole hub-bub is with the technology. Well, it just means that the film reels are pretty damn big so they can be projected at the highest possible resolution on a screen that's 8 stories tall..............yes, 8 stories tall! The problem he'll face, though, is that the cameras are extremely loud.............like a tank sputtering up nuts and bolt.
Here's a pic to give you an idea of what an IMAX cinema screen looks like!
July 20th 2012 (I know, 2 fuckin' years!!)
Ah, so at least we get to see it before the entire world supposedly crumbles to dust that year.
Now, that's the only bit of info about the film that's out. No word on who the villian will be so don't mind all those rumours of Johnny Depp and shite. The Riddler is a possibility but nobody has confirmed what villian will be in it and the only thing we do know is that Christopher Nolan, the director, has stated that he wants to film it completely with IMAX cameras.
Since we're Irish and only have 2 IMAX cinema (1 in Belfast and 1 in Dublin) not many people know what the whole hub-bub is with the technology. Well, it just means that the film reels are pretty damn big so they can be projected at the highest possible resolution on a screen that's 8 stories tall..............yes, 8 stories tall! The problem he'll face, though, is that the cameras are extremely loud.............like a tank sputtering up nuts and bolt.
Here's a pic to give you an idea of what an IMAX cinema screen looks like!
Oooh, an abandoned stadium............oh.......oh, Jesus, no..............NOOOO!!!
Here's a rather special treat, it's a 360 degree video that captures the implosion of a stadium INSIDE.
This video works just like Google Street-View but instead you can watch the stadium collapse all around you in real-time.
Turn your speakers right the fuck up and be sure to look at that girder above your head before the end!
This video works just like Google Street-View but instead you can watch the stadium collapse all around you in real-time.
Turn your speakers right the fuck up and be sure to look at that girder above your head before the end!
Thundercats Outtakes!
Now Thundercats was before my time and I never really watched any of them........always more of a Turtles man, myself.
Anywho, here's the sound outtakes from the character actors themselves. Even they hadn't a clue what the fuck they were talking about!
Anywho, here's the sound outtakes from the character actors themselves. Even they hadn't a clue what the fuck they were talking about!
Where The Wild Sopranos Are!
So, some jerk-off decided to dub over James Gandolfini's character in Where The Wild Things Are with his most famous character Tony Soprano.
I haven't seen this film but I'm sure it would be much more interesting and, eh, more wholesome for the family if Tony Soprano was in it.
Where's ma' fuckin' gooba-gool!
I haven't seen this film but I'm sure it would be much more interesting and, eh, more wholesome for the family if Tony Soprano was in it.
Where's ma' fuckin' gooba-gool!
You weren't there, man.....YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!
Here's a short clip that always cracks me up. Poor dog had a........."woof" time in Vietnam.............*cough*
I'm reading: You weren't there, man.....YOU WEREN'T THERE!!!Tweet this!
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Call Of Duty: Somalian Pirate Warfare!
Here we gots a clip of 6 Dutch Marines storming a cargo ship that had been hijacked by pirates (Yaaarrrr!) in the Indian Ocean about a month ago. The Marines have helmet cameras so we get a first-person look of them reclaiming the ship from those pesky Somalians!
There's a brief bit of firing (Even the heli-chopter chips in a few rounds) but the Marines capture them and rescue the hostages with no loss of life. It's fairly tense, though, and only something the Call Of Duty guys could dream of creating..................maybe on the Playstation 6.
There's a brief bit of firing (Even the heli-chopter chips in a few rounds) but the Marines capture them and rescue the hostages with no loss of life. It's fairly tense, though, and only something the Call Of Duty guys could dream of creating..................maybe on the Playstation 6.
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