Seems Tom Hardy impressed Chris Nolan so much on Inception that he's been given a lead role in the next Batman film, more than likely a villian but nobody knows which one. People are speaking of The Riddler but Tom Hardy is a big fucker and could be possibly cast as one of the physically tougher villians but.....................who knows!
Filming for Batman 3 doesn't start until early next year so probably around Xmas the details of casting will be brought out then.
Tom Hardy has been in the movie buisness for years and years but now is finally moving up the ranks to lead roles. Along with this he's also playing Mad Max in a new movie...........though how that tuns out is a different story. The guy has serious acting chops and is at last getting the reconigtion he deserves.
Recently, Back To The Future 1 was re-released in the cinemas to celebrate it's 25th anniversary and release on Blu-Ray............still an awesome movie and looks brilliant on the big screen now that the image had been cleaned up, looks like it was filmed only a few years ago.
Anywho, loads of attention has returned to the film so much that the Scream Awards (sorta like the Oscars for Horror / Sci-Fi / Comics and all that) have gotten Michael J. Fox to star in a shot-for-shot remake of the film's original teaser trailer. The teaser itself had no footage of the film and only showed tiny glimpses of the DeLorean.
Here's the original 1985 version:
And here's the 2010 version:
Heh, besides the visible shakes Fox ain't looking too bad. Cue the internet crying out for a 4th BTTF movie.
Now as another special being touted for the Blu-Ray is at last some footage of Eric Stoltz as Marty McFly. The part was always meant for Michael J. Fox but because he busy with his TV show Family Ties, Eric Stoltz got the job. They actually filmed 5 weeks of footage with him, many of which were expensive key sequences but they then realised that he wasn't right as McFly. It was nothing against his acting, just that he "acted" Marty McFly while Michael J. Fox "was" Marty McFly, epecially in terms of comic timing.
So, they had to let him go, got Fox to fill the role and then they reshot the footage which added an extra $5 million to the budget. So here's a glimpse of the Eric Stoltz footage, bizzare to see what could've been made of this film:
Plus here's some photos compiled together, these have been around years but no actual footage has been shown until now. Skip to 2:30 to see the photos:
Bit wierd to see, eh? It seems to suit the whole premise of the film, had Fox's Marty not gotten his parents back together in the 1st film then he wouldn't have existed, cue Stoltz character befriending Doc where HE has to go back and set his parents up or else HE doesn't exist.................seems like an endless cycle where Doc's DeLorean is just wiping out people in the past.
Proper graffiti at it's finest. Pity we don't see more of this type excellent designs intead of the usual "Up The Ra", badly sprayed swatstikas and "Patrick loves cock"
These are done by a French artist by the name of MTO who has them sprayed all over Berlin, the place with the most graffiti in Europe, mind you.
Well, ok, maybe not assualted in the case that one of his scummy guests smashed his smarmy fuckin' face in with a brick that had nails sticking out of it with poison on the tips of them. But that's how this thing is being labelled around the place.
Nah, after his usual tirade of insulting his guests he got lightly tipped over the head with an envelope by one of England's finest, and then hides behind his monkey goons.
I tell ya, if I had a gun..................................I'd hit him over the head with it!
Good grief, how times have changed. Who would've thought then that a solar powered scientific calculator could be bought for next to nothing nowadays??
Now this is the kind of thing I'd love to see 1st hand. All it is really is a video being projected onto the blocky surface but because the objects are mapped out it just looks deadly!
So this guy has a crotch rocket, right? But it seems it just ain't fun enough for him travelling on the motorway unless he's fuckin' belting it a basically pretending he's in The Matrix.